(Note: Consider XXX as part name and "XXX" as view name in Fritzing)
Thanks for suggestions. I learnt to edit the SVG and FZ part file. I was able to make the part of evive .
Now my part has a breadboard also as internal part. Everything is fine in Breadboard view. But I want to ignore terminals of breadboard in Schematic and PCB views. All breadboard (installed by default) has Breadboard view, but do neither have schematic nor PCB views. I tried to open the Mini Breadboard Part to edit, but we cannot open (Edit part option is grey).
So I tried to look into the breadboard2.fzp file to see its content. There I find a difference in syntax of "connectors". Noramally only "connectors" is used but in this Breadboard, there is "connectors ignoreTerminalPoints="true" ".
I want to show all pins in Breadboard view, but only few in Schematic/PCB view. How to do this? I tried to use again for Breadboard pins while leaving other as normal, but It was not working (It ignored the Breadboard pins)
Access parts here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/iq6eq3k3e8wk45p/AAC2pUIQfxy30B3-QMPgSnwMa?dl=0