That does the trick! Thank you. It was a bit tricky to get here, and I may have found a bug or two on the way but I have what I need to complete what I want to do now. Because I was using hard links to move the data directories for fritzing off my system disk I deleted the entire installation and the hard links and did a vanilla install. Started fritzing and copied a diode from parts in to breadboard view. Right click-> edit on the diode
to get the part editor then file->Save as new part, replace default "prefix0000" with 1n4148 and a diode symbol appears in My parts on the right. As well a bunch of files appear in the fritzing directory specifically of interest:
'/cygdrive/c/Users/Owner/My Documents/Fritzing/parts/svg/user/breadboard':
shut down fritzing (saving as it asked me to) to verify it really was using this file.
c/Users/Owner/My Documents/Fritzing/parts/svg/user/breadboard/1n4148_11d372426af07061268d12c995b2bf2f_1_breadboard.svg
c/Users/Owner/My Documents/Fritzing/parts/svg/user/breadboard/1n4148_11d372426af07061268d12c995b2bf2f_1_breadboard_orig.svg
restarted fritzing and discovered it wasn't unhappy at all (indicating it wasn't using this file). However when I
dragged a copy of diode from My Parts in to the breadboard window I get this error message (and apparently tickle a bug!):
error reading file c/Users/Owner/My Documents/Fritzing/parts/svg/user/breadboard/1n4148_11d372426af07061268d12c995b2bf2f_1.fpz: file for Rectifier Diode
1n4148_11d372426af07061268d12c995b2bf2f_1 not found.
and the entire fritzing interface hangs. Can't clear the error message or close any of the windows (since you shouldn't be renaming files under it this doesn't appear to be an important bug, but it does seem to be a bug!). Killed fritzing in task manager and having determined that it is using this file I replaced the contents with the data from Small-Diode.svg and now all is well. I believe that this also points to a more serious bug in the diode core part. As far as I can see the PCB view has its pads with .3 inch spacing which seems to make the breadboard view with .4 inch spacing incorrect. As well breadboard view in the part editor looks odd, the spacing on the connector pins seems (at least to me) oddly aligned compared to for instance the
core->input->push button breadboard view which I was trying to figure out how to change the diode settings in parts editor to be the same (without any particular success I might add, parts editor is certainly not as intuitive as the rest of the interface :-)). Again thanks for the help now I'll continue on and see if I can complete the schematic portion of the simple board I am trying.
Peter Van Epp