corrected_4wayrelay.fzpz (11.7 KB)
vanepp that is brilliant, thank you so much.
You are right about my requirement for the contacts. I have moved the pads around so they are over each pin and it works perfectly.
What I then have to do is change the suffix of the 'corrected_4wayrelay.fzpz' to '' This allows me to open it as a zip file and get at the files
part.4wayrelay_35157 etc
svg.breadboard.4wayrelay_35157 etc
svg.icon.4wayrelay_35157 etc
svg.pcb.4wayrelay_35157 etc
svg.schematic.4wayrelay_35157 etc
I then open
'part.4wayrelay_35157 etc.'
in notepad and find
which is about 100 characters in. I then alter the last number, now 10 to the next number i.e. 11 otherwise fritzing says it already has that part in when I import it.
I now delete the zip file and zip all the above files into a new
'' alter the suffix to fzpz so I have
'corrected_4wayrelay..fzpz' and then import it into fritzing.
Do you know how I can stop fritzing recognising the fact that I have all those copies in?