I'd say not a bad start for your first part. In the fpz from the part in the sketch you published above pin 0 and pin1 are incorrect in that they define connector0leg and connector1leg which define a bendable leg (and there isn't a corresponding connection in the svg anyway). That will likely break 0 and 1 (your first two white pins) and a closer look at the image indicates that 2 and 3 are fine (have red connection marks) so removing the legId="connector0leg" from the line (and the same in pin1) should fix that up.
p svgId="connector0pin" legId="connector0leg" layer="breadboard"
Typically for a schematic view you would have a box with the various pins that you cam connect to showing. For a board like this you may not want to have a pcb view (it may not be that useful) but I don't know how you specify that (although I know you can somehow).