It may depend on your experience. I for instance initially had never heard of the svg format or an svg editor (such as Inkscape which is what I use). They are large complex programs aimed at graphic artists. If you have experience with them things will be easier. Then there are things specific to Fritzing (which supports only the tiny subset of svg and doesn't like CSS very much where as Inkscape is becoming CSS complient) so you currently need to manually edit the svgs from Inkscape to be sure there won't be problems in Fritzing. As noted things are poorly documented, I am right now in another window trying to figure our why a part I'm making for someone is having troubles with its connections in breadboard. I'm trying to add together a bunch of parts including a breadboard and something is unhappy, it just isn't yet clear what (and I am reasonably familiar with the internal part file formats). I'm still not enough of an artist to make good breadboard layouts (although I'm getting better at swiping them from other parts ). It has taken me about 6 months to get this comfortable with parts creation. For many folks I expect their first experience with Inkscape is the end of parts creation
Learning Fritzing, beginning difficulties