Looks like I need some more education. I've loaded inkscape and gone through the tutorials and then tried
to reproduce the Small-Diode.svg file above on my own (without any success).
In inkscape loaded Small-Diode.svg, made no changes and saved as inkscape_Small-Diode.svg
saved as plain SVG verified that it works same as the original in fritzing. Now start
inkscape and load the original diode svg make no changes but save as
1n4148_4a5194aa1a963b261e27de4327a40346_1_breadboard_nochange.svg plain svg
start fritzing and it works as normal as expected. Following the instructions in
Start inkscape and load the original diode svg
select the part and modify icons appear
shrink part to 3 grid lines from .4 (with grid set to .1 per division and inches)
file -> document properties -> resize page to content
and the bounding box shrinks down to the new size
save as plain svg
replace the svg file in fritzing and start it and select the mine diode
which has no connectors points (unlike the original) and is offset from the grid by .05 inch
I'm obviously missing a step or steps in here but haven't been able to find out what from
lots of online searching. Can anyone provide some guidance?
Peter Van Epp