This Hackday article in reference above is total rubbish! You can see deliberate attempts all OVER Brian's article to defame fritzing. In-fact I'll go as far as calling Brian, the author out! What an ignorant, uneducated, moron. I mean just look at his sorry ass attempt at making a schematic. Pathetic, 2 minutes worth of effort to talk trash, that's apparent, no questions asked.. I'm sure his parent's would be proud of the filth they raised. If you can't see threw that sort of crap, you're not trying hard enough... Especially, if it's posted on hackday. I'll just say this... meet me @ my shop Brain (ANYDAY), I'll run circles in all department(s) around you... Might actually teach you a thing or two... A proper presentation, and a bit of professionalism go a long way in my book. That article is total garbage, It's unprofessional to say the least.. I'll call a spade a spade.
Honestly, this is all community! Any advancements are slow building blocks for better software. It's BETA, it's FREE, that's that, get over it, or move on..There are other options to chose from. No need to talk trash because this software didn't meet your needs. I can say maybe download the fritzing code from git-hub? I'd be willing to bet that the trash talkers have no concept of modifying this code, let alone compiling their own modified version for testing... Get real, try to play big boy ball, and contribute. Oh yea, that's a whole other ballgame. No more arm-chairing in that arena.
@duff good suggestions though! Who knows. BUT, I do know a lot of my issues right now are living life... So I can only assume the Dev's are wrapped up in that same heavy situation. Again everything is community and these people donate their time. But, some paid development could go along way.