Hi There,
I'm rather new to Fritzing. The last couple of days I tried to design a little and simple board to connect 12 DS18B20 temperature sensors in parallell using normal power mode to an Arduino Mega.
I started in schematic mode. But when I made changes in PCB view my schematic got messed up and vice versa. For example I get ratsnest lines in my schematic where in PCB view the connection is clearly made. Also wires are changed position in sematic view when I make changes in PCB view and vice versa.
By forum post I know that there are some bugs in the Fritzing app that causes this behaviour. So I started to make my schematic and PCB in two seprate files. After that I managed to create a schematic and and a PCB design.
When I try to upload the PCD design to Aisler the parts are missing. I search the part database on Aisler but the parts (see links below) are nowhere to be found.
Temperatuursensors-bread_ok-pcb_ok.fzz (28.0 KB)
Temperatuursensors-schema_ok.fzz (17.5 KB)
How can I get my board fabricated at Aisler using the parts above?
Kind regards,