I use Github a lot in all my projects and I also use GitHub Pages to create the project pages.
Based on this now that I'm going to start porting everything from Fritizing to sharing with colleagues through GitHub, I have to re-edit some files like the d list so that Markdown is used instead of HTML.
Well I would like to leave the suggestion for Fritzing to generate Markdown to export the Bill of Materials as I have adapted it in this file: https://github.com/ArduinoMinas/Mini-Fonte-Regulavel/blob/master/docs/Mini%20Fonte%20Regul%C3%A1vel%20Vers%C3%A3o%200.0.1_bom.md
See the final result: http://arduinominas.com.br/Mini-Fonte-Regulavel/Mini%20Fonte%20Regul%C3%A1vel%20Vers%C3%A3o%200.0.1_bom.html