zg.fzpz (39.5 KB)
Hey vanepp,
Thanks for the reply. I have uploaded the .fzpz
A problem with the connectors?? Oh ok... That's... weird...
I really like the look of this program, but it appears hellbent on over-complicating what should be a fairly uncomplicated process. The documentation also doesn't lend itself towards legibility.
Just a little background, I created this in Inkscape then exported as a plain.svg. I dragged a part into the breadboard editor, then pressed "Edit (new parts) editor".. I proceeded to import the .svg and things were looking ok (it did ditch a .jpg section that I had imported to inkscape, which was really annoying. Figured it would bundle it as part of the .svg) (it was a pin diagram)... Anyway, so I 'saved as' and it appeared in the 'mine' section.
I didn't touch any of the connectors, or anything else.
Really, all I want is a simply visual representation of a wiring diagram with a nice aesthetic. I'm not exactly building full pcb's with F-zing.
Appreciate you taking the time to have a look at this. Interested to know the cause here.