Awesome feedback. I just noticed the breadboard sizing problems. I'm having trouble resizing the breadboard.
I didn't even think that the schematic would need to be on a .1 grid, so that is why they aren't correct. I took great pains to ensure that all of my schematic pins had terminals, but when I tried to manually generate my fpz file using a program that I wrote that converts a pin info CSV to xml, Fritzing wouldn't import the part. No errors, just "sorry, can't do that". So then I took the manual approach (and two more hours).
This is my first Fritzing part, so it's been quite an experience. It was a big one to bite off with 110 pins, but I really wanted this part.
I need to figure out how to make my SVG render the correct size. I imported the svg of a core header pin for size comparison (I even copied it and reused it to make my headers), but when it gets imported into Fritzing, it is too small.
I used a program to convert the Eagle files of the board to a format I could use, so the pin spacing is off on that, too. I think I may just use two 50 pin and one 10 pin spaced the correct distance apart and start over on the pcb board.