Okay I've had a look at the arduino tutorial you sent me and also found this which will be helpful for me http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Make-a-74HC595-Shift-Resistor-Circuit/?ALLSTEPS. I have just bought two 74hc595 shift resistors. Hopefully they should come soon, So for this circuit I need to add my midi adapter onto my circuit don't I? just I'm struggling to follow this diagram a little. Can I use common cathode led's with shift registers? Because I need these led's to light up red and green. So far on my breadboard I have added the midi in adapter. I haven't added any led's yet as I don't know if I can use the led's that I am wanting to.
just found this https://www.dropbox.com/s/3x17yauwt9g2l7k/ShiftPWM%20Project.pdf?dl=0. This should be really helpful because this is using 16 rgb common cathode led's where I only need 6↧