Better but still a few problems (all but one of which I corrected):
1) Schematic: changed the top level group id from g7 to schematic, deleted the paths showing the 3 ground connections as they aren't rendering correctly anyway. Added missing ground connector43 (there are 4 ground pins not 3) which clears up the red square in schematic due to the missing pin.
2) In the fpz file bussed
If you click on a bussed pin in breadboard all the ones bussed to it turn yellow as well and they are all connected together internally (as they are in real life).
3) In breadboard did edit select all then group and named the group breadboard to set the layer ID (the only thing I know this breaks is svg export).
4) PCB ungrouped everything as the copper layers were incorrect. Selected all the pins and grouped twice (once for copper1 and the second for copper0) and set the group ids as copper1 with copper0 inside it.
5) Last but not least, edited all the svg files and did a global replace of px with "" as the pxs that Inkscape adds break fritzing (it sets the font size to 0 after a parts edit).
The one thing I didn't fix is the pcb hole size which is currently .030 inch (and should be .038 to fit .1 inch square pins). The pads are set as a path rather than a circle and I don't know how to increase the diameter of a path so I ignored it. You could copy in appropriate size pads from another svg if you wanted to fix it or leave it as is. In any case here is an updated fzpz of the changes above which now works in fritzing as far as I can see (we will see if anyone else sees more problems ).
PIC16F18855 Xpress Development Board_1.fzpz (117.1 KB)