It is somewhat OK in that it has the pads at what looks like the correct places. It doesn't however have any of the groups (silkscreen, copper1 copper0) nor any connector information nor a stroke-width (needed to set the hole size) so it would be a fair amount of work to convert it as the stroke width and connector information would need to be added manually to each pin. Is this the converter from or somewhere else? I have heard that adafruit has an improved version of the above script on their site somewhere but that it is very complex to try and modify at least (I don't know about usage). As I said I've never used it so I don't know whether it sets connector ids and the like or not.
I'm strictly a Fritzing user (I came here after trying kicad for a bit, but Fritzting fits what I do which is typically one of projects on perf board better than anything else I know). Before that I was using Circuit Maker 2000 (a commercial product from the 1990s that has been gone since a year or two after I bought it ) but that isn't sharable with anyone else and Fritzing is,
The svg upload is broken. To upload an svg the usual trick is to rename it to .fzpz (which will upload) and then tell us that it is really an svg so it can be downloaded and then renamed to svg (you may have to zip it to keep the uploader happy). The forum upload button is seventh from the left on the reply toolbar