OK, I don't know what the original problem is (I suspect you deleted something on pin 1 you shouldn't have). I started again from a generic 14 pin IC and deleted the unused pins (you were correct I was looking at the pin numbers in the fpz not the actual count of pins) and this one (from 9.3 though) appears to export all the pins correctly to an svg from breadboard. Because I used the pin label field, the label from the fpz file is being used on the part (its possible that is part of the problem too) so you would need to change the label field in the fpz if you don't want the trailing relay on the IC body (or remove the label id from the text and see what happens ). Note if you are using Inkscape (as I am) that you need to edit the svg after saving it in Inkscape and use a text editor to delete all the px s from the svg file. Fritzing will set the font size to 0 after a parts edit if there is a px on the font size (and Inkscape loves them).
badPart_fixed.fzpz (5.1 KB)