Dear Peter,
thank you very much for your quick and elaborate reply.
I tried also a lot and found more or less the same as you. As single custom part(s) I created already the required kind of resistor. And I used it successfully in the design of my circuits on stripboard. Here is e.g. my 1k version of it: Resistor upright 1k.fzpz (5.9 KB). It includes an appropriate 100mil svg-image for the breadboard/stripboard view.
But this "workaround" is somehow unsatisfying. It is not generic. For any new resistance value a new part has to be created.
I just would like to know from a member of the fritzing-Team if there is any possibilty to create (by the user) or to provide (by the fritzing developers) a generic resistor part which has a correct footprint (here 100 mil) in the breadboard/stripboard view. Some hint how to do a successful patch would do as well. Of course the "normal" generic resistor should still exist in parallel.
Bending the leads of a 300/400mil resistor image is not an option! On the stripboard this leads to a mess if several upright mounted resistors are close to each other (a frequent case).
Best Reards