The thing about BB view is that it isn't exactly real world, even thought the FZ crew probably envisioned it as real world so beginners could do exactly what they see. Some people make parts fit the breadboard even though they can't actually connect to a breadboard, so it's a representation of a part. Even the FZ crew went with a lying down resistor for colour code visualisation, which is fine for breadboard but does not work for real world prefboard/stripboard. Basically prefboard/stripboard should be moved out of BB view and put in PCB view. The work-around that I suggested to another guy a while back was make a representation of a prefboard/stripboard in PCB view where everything is already dimensionally accurate. To do it you grab a via from the core bin, resize it to what to want, Ctrl+D it 100 times, and snap them to a 0.100" grid. Then just use straight traces where your parts connect.