While I may someday get to the point of knowing enough to do that, it isn't likely today, or in the near future I don't think, so I'm probably left with muddling around with the tools at least for now. It has as usual been a very frustrating day. At this point I can not make fritz screw up the fonts (despite having no problem in the past when I didn't want to screw them up) so I can't try any of the fixes I think I see (or more correctly I could try them but just because they seem to work it won't necessarily mean anything because my current method that used to break isn't at the moment!) Indeed the file format document is enlightening, for one, on what the units are: by default pixels (px) which are apparently defined in the standard as 90 DPI (although Illustrator uses 72 DPI) so it seems unlikely that that should be causing the problem. I think a more likely issue is that Inkscape changes around the xml for text and that may be confusing fritz (there is a construct listed there that is known to bother fritz, although it doesn't appear to be what is in my xml). Once I can reproduce the failure dependably I should be able to experiment around to find a fix (and then, being lazy, perl and the XML parser are likely to be made to do it automatically for me). I think for right now I'm going to go spend money on toys on Ebay and beat my head against this wall some more tomorrow.
Peter Van Epp