Hello people,
I´m a student in Mechanical Engeneer, but i have this project in what i need to make the control of the irrigation and, at the same time, control the ilumitation of the garden. This must be all possible to control by anyone in a display with some switches.
Im thinking about using these components:
-Arduino Uno R3;
-1x LDR sensor
-1x Humidity sensor
-2x Relay (for controlling the lights and the valve)
-1x 220DC Valve
-1x 12 v lamp
-1x RTC clock
-1x LCD Display
The code for the lights is quite simple but i have many questions. How to read the 2 sensors at the same time, making only one program on the arduino? How do i program thhe switches of the display to change the values of the time i want the irrigation and the lights are on, and the hour i want to turn that on?
Basically i know very litlle about eletronic, but i´m trying to learn, please help me answearing any question, or showing me similar projects that you know, anything may help.
Thank you very much.