I personally don't see a use for perfboard in Fritzing but if you really do need to prepare for building on a perfboard you can simply use the PCB view with the grid size set to 2.54mm (0.1") and then all the parts you place will end up matching the perfboard layout so you know the parts will fit. If you really want it to look like an actual perfboard you can make one using headers and a pcb in PCB view. Here is the 6x30 board from above Perfboard_6x30.fzz (1.7 KB)
. Please do note this is just a work around so it is not ideal but it will give you a pcb with holes in it to work with. You will either need to ignore the header pins in schematic and breadboard view or maybe make the board out of single row headers (I used double row) and then lay them out in a grid in schematic and breadboard view.
Double sided breadboard instead of PCB