Another was to block out the numbers is make the text lines a remark by enclosing them these symbols:
<!-- your code... -->
Then you can just delete the symbols when you want to add the numbers back in...
<rect class='terminal' id='connector1terminal' x='10.2835' y='1.0922' width='0.0001' height='0.0001' stroke='none' stroke-width='0' fill='none'/>
<!-- <text class='text' font-family="'Droid Sans'" stroke='none' stroke-width='0' fill='#8c8c8c' font-size='0.881944' x='9.01347' y='0.721784' text-anchor='middle'>2</text> -->
<line class='pin' id='connector0pin' connectorname='1' x1='0.123472' y1='1.0922' x2='2.66347' y2='1.0922' stroke='#787878' stroke-width='0.246944' stroke-linecap='round'/>
<rect class='terminal' id='connector0terminal' x='0.123472' y='1.0922' width='0.0001' height='0.0001' stroke='none' stroke-width='0' fill='none'/>
<!-- <text class='text' font-family="'Droid Sans'" stroke='none' stroke-width='0' fill='#8c8c8c' font-size='0.881944' x='1.39347' y='0.721784' text-anchor='middle'>1</text> -->