hello all.
i recently created three different PCB designs that need a second set of eyes to verify all connections are correct.
the background of the designs are as follows:
all components will fit in a box with the internal dimensions of 100 x 80 x 50 (LxWxH)
the pin mounting spacing is 68mm with 6mm between the center of the pin and the side of the box.
Power-Board-v01.fzz (7.6 KB)
Controller-Board-v01.fzz (18.7 KB)
the power board and the ESP board will connect to each other via pins on the top and bottom of the boards (sandwich). the third board is a relay board that will be located on the opposite side of the box where all components will be installed.
the designs are a combination of research and personal knowledge.
a second or third set of eyes is greatly appreciated.
Ross Kopp