I can't for the life of me find this Flip button.
There is something kind-of weird happening.
If I :-
press the "bottom layer" using button in the red bar at the bottom.
Drag in Pololu DRV 8825 Stepper Motor Carrier, High Current, or any part, on to PCB - a faded part with reverse writing appears -,
Move the part label inside stepper outline box, I can't move the label again without taking the whole part with it.
But if I start a new project and
Hit the "view from below" button on the red bar first.
Drag the stepper - semi faded part with writing the correct way around
Move label inside part
Select "view from top" - reversed writing -
I can move the label even from the top.
It looks like I've been using the "Bottom Layer" button, when I should be using the "View from below" button to add parts. I kind-of like the "bottom layer" button because it doesn't reverse the whole board.
I was also thinking parts are in set in layer orders, so you can touch something under another.
What I figured Fritzing does is that on first use it looks very friendly and easy with it's big colourful parts, and that kind-of hooks you to FZ. But as the users get better and want to do more complicated stuff, they start pushing the limits of FZ. I don't think the people who wrote it ever intended to have a 100 component car ECUs designed with it.
If you want to see weirdness in FZ do a 100 part board, then you will see bugs.