I have some experience with fritzing but not making parts. Here is my question:
I have an open source data logger. I want to make it into a fritzing part so anyone including myself can easily make a wiring diagram. It has two 12-pole screw terminal blocks. The rest is just the enclosure. I have a decent image of my logger. I wonder if I can include images in fritzing parts. All I found online are making SVG graphics for parts. I wanted to start with a 12-pin header but I found the parts editor to be impossible to understand. Having designed circuit boards in EAGLE for several years, I don't lack the knowledge of circuits. I just don't know how to even start. Besides breadboard view, I could do a simple two 12-pin headers and not worry about sizes etc of this part on PCB since it is NOT going to be an actual part I need on a PCB.
Making simple parts with pictures