That’s me. If the only way to make parts was the way @vanepp explains I would not use Fritzing at all. In all honesty I can’t even follow 99% of what he says and I believe it only makes part creation harder than it needs to be and scares away more people than it helps. For all the parts I make for making PCBs if it takes more than half an hour to make a part I have done something wrong. If Fritzing would allow parts with embedded PNGs into the main repo for Breadboard view it would easy. You would just take a picture of a real part and add the connectors.
I would say this is true but for a different reason. I think Fritzing is a great EDA and the only part that makes it look like a toy and makes making parts hard is the Breadboard view. If it didn’t have it people would take it much more serious and parts creation would be a breeze. You would start with a generic ic to generate the schematic and then the only thing left would be make the PCB view which is easy because it is only copper and silkscreen.