This in my view is the underlying issue here. There are not that many people making parts, and basically no one developing. The original developers or even anyone familiar with the code base do not appear to respond in the forums so development is a challenge to say the least. That is the number one issue that we need to address in my view. If we can kick start development we maybe can make progress. The parts check script is a start to making the parts maintainer’s job easier. He is almost the only one of the original developers (AFAIK) that is doing much, and he expressed the desire for a more automated way to check parts for inclusion in core. That is where the standardize parts thread started, but there are too few of us involved to come to any useful conclusion I fear.
Since my first part (with 4 whole pins in a DIP package) took me about 2 months to get to a semi reasonable state and probably about 6 months of elapsed time learning about Fritzing and Inkscape don’t feel bad .
A number of complex parts I’ve made have taken me very long times (about 6 months for Brad’s education board) but through it all I learn more and more. That knowledge of the internals of parts are what drove the parts check script.
and as I have said before, in my view, breadboard is the unique feature of fritzing. It allows documenting the interconnection of modules in breadboard to document a project made of a series of modules (with no pcb views in use). No other package I know of does this.