Hello Fritzing community,
As many of you know, I have been doing some new fritzing parts or reworked a bit few ones, some of them for my electronic project because I love how this tool let me design beautiful breadboard / schematic / pcb views for each project so far.
Now I was checking into the existing xbee parts and noticed there weren’t shield board like USB adapter from DFRobot or the same version for Arduino which you can see here.
As you already guessed, I did my own part based on the image sticking to the size of most things but noticed an issue about the female header connector:
The problem: Female holes have 0.08" spacing instead of the 0.1" Fritzing grid. You can verify these values at Pag. #6 of Xbee manual.
Due to that, I must do a new Xbee (in my case, Xbee pro) Fritzing part to match this spacing and therefore making the usb adapter (shield) usable for xbee projects.
Using the Eagle board file of the Xbee pro, turned it into svg (thanks to Eagle2Fritzing algorythm), I effectively confirmed the spacing for this piece (0.08") as you can see in the next picture:
As you can see, white lines are 0.08" grid and almost all holes are aligned to this.
So the question right now is: Should I let it as it is to maintain the real aspect of Fritzing parts?