These are useful, low-cost, low-thickness INK display’s with a Backlight.
I made three Variants of the connections:
• Variant 1 - Top Row
• Variant 2 - Bottom Row
• Variant 3 - Both Top & Bottom Rows with internal connections. Pads will be placed on the PCB - if you don’t want the pads for an un-needed row, use a different variant. Variant3 helps routing traces as needed without needing jumpers if they needed to crossover a trace.
I made these for my own use thus, regarding Fritzing Part ”Standard’s”: some were followed, others were not (particularly Font Size, Font Color and Line-Width).
Images of Variants along with an example in use…
Much thanks to ‘vanepp Leader’ for insight on Part Making.
Nokia 5110_INK_Display_BtmRow.fzpz (12.4 KB)
Nokia 5110_INK_Display_TopRow.fzpz (12.4 KB)
Nokia 5110_INK_Display_TwoRow.fzpz (17.2 KB)