Duh! I should have thought of that. Looks like the timer was triggered continuously and blew the led with 250ma of current. The 1 k will keep the current in bounds til we get this right (or decide we can’t whichever comes first ).
The output stage on the 555 is totem pole as far as I know so shouldn’t need a pull down resistor (it actively drives both high and low). From what happened I think the timer was continuously triggered, the 555 output was always high and the led was always on (and then poof as noted above from too much current). The 1K resistor in place of the 10 ohm should fix that while we figure out our trigger problems. For now I’d reproduce the circuit in the tutorial I started from to check the trigger does what we expect. So for testing replace the coil with a push button switch as in this schematic. That should let us verify the circuit does what we expect and set the timing values you want to adjust R2/C3 so the output pulse is a little longer than the pulse from the coil on your scope. When you push the button it should produce an output pulse that delays a bit when the button is released. If it doesn’t do that then there is something wrong with the circuit. Once we get that part working then we need to figure out how to trigger it from the coil (which may need the optional pull down resistor on the coil shown in my last sketch). I deleted the diodes for simplicity (if they are already there it is all right to leave them in as they shouldn’t hurt anything assuming I got the polarity right which may also be the source of the problem if I didn’t ) as without the coil they aren’t needed. With the button not pushed the led should be off. Pushing the button should turn the led on and keep it on briefly after the button is released.