Your breadboard view is incorrect and I don’t know enough about the circuit to fix it. However I did fix up pcb and schematic views where fix up means deleted all wires in both views and rearrange the parts in a semi sensible layout in pcb. Note I changed all the SMD resistors to through hole to match breadboard (you can change them back to smd with inspector if you really wanted smd). Some of your problems were wires connected (probably incorrectly) in pcb view. The way forward from this sketch is to correct the errors in breadboard view:
I changed the wires so the connections more easily followed because they don’t overlap one another. This a bit of work but reduces wiring errors and is thus worthwhile. You need to check the green wire on pin1 txd is correct as it was also connected to one of the yellow wires going to the jacks which I expect was wrong.
The wire to dout on the neopixel strip should be going to din not dout. At the same time I simplified the power connections.
The 6n137 optocoupler is wrong and I don’t know how to fix it. As it stands it will not do anything as the diode (if it is supposed to be driving whatever is on din2) will be always on. I expect there should be an output from the Mega that should drive the diode (if it is intended to be driving whatever is on din2) which is not present. If you can provide the circuit or device that connects to dini2 I can possibly figure out how this should be connected. Once breadboard is corrected then we can move on to moving the parts around in schematic and making the necessary connections, but first we need to get breadboard correct. The sketch below is how I would lay out breadboard (with as noted the 6n137 not being correct). However as it is still showing 2 nets routed in pcb view despite no wires being connected and 7 unrouted connections in breadboard (but no unrouted nets when the message is clicked) I expect the sketch is corrupted and you will need to start a new sketch and recreate this sketch starting in breadboard (leaving pcb and schematic totally alone) to make ti work once we figure out how the optocoupler should be connected.
Chewie circuit_start.fzz (93.5 KB)