Thank you for taking time to look at my fritzing sketch, and correcting a lot of things. I should explain what my circuit does. It is a midi controller, I am using it as a loop pedal. the leds light depending on what mode the controller is currently in. It has 10 pedals, a neopixel ring, led strip, 6 common cathode leds, a potentiometer and midi in and out.
Yeah I placed the incorrect resistors on my circuit. They should of just been standard resistors. The pin 1TX is correct that’s what it should be connected to. My bad I didn’t notice I wired up the neo peixel ring wrong. The 6n138 optocoupler is wrong anyway, it is the wrong value it needs to be a 1n914. But I was unable to find one in fritzing, I need to make one in the parts editor but I don’t know how to do that. Same with the diode, it needs to be a 1n914 diode. With the optocoupler like you said it needs a wire from the arduino to drive it. There needs to be a connection from pin 6 on the optocoupler to pin 0RX on the arduino. Here is the circuit
I have two 1000uf capacitors on my circuit they are supoused to be for the neo pixel ring and the led strip. Couldn’t I not just use one connected across the power rails of the neo pixel ring and the led strip? I will now begin a new sketch as you said.
Thank you