Since some time, I work with Arduino IDE and Fritzing. I make the sketch with Arduino IDE and design the board with the Fritzing software.
Now I try to store also my sketches with the Fritzing software. But it is not possible for me to upload the sketch to the board. I get the following output:
Running D:/Programme/ --board arduino:avr:nano --port \.\COM3 --upload E:\EigeneDateien\Eigene Dokumente\Hardware\Arduino\Projekte\UltraschallAmpel\Ampel_2-01_Ultraschall.ino\Ampel_2-01_Ultraschall_TMP\Ampel_2-01_Ultraschall_TMP.ino
Hochladen beendet.
But on the Arduino board nothing happens. If I take the same sketch to the arduin IDE and upload it there, all runs ok.
What mistake did I do? Can anyone help me?
Best regards
No communication between Fritzing and Arduino