4 out of 5 nets routed
Newbie question, I have re-produced a diagram, copied from Pi Motion Sensor in Fritzing. Looks identical to me. I notice a message on the breadboard tab saying "3 out of 4 nets routed - one connection...
View Article4 out of 5 nets routed
You look for red pins where wires are connected, and wires with red bendpoints in SCH. Unless it's this bug Spurious unrouted connections in BB view bugs Steps I took that resulted in the problem:...
View Article4 out of 5 nets routed
To share the file (which may be the best way to get an answer) click the upload button (7th from the left, a block with an up arrow) in the tool bar of the forum reply (where I'm typing this message...
View Article4 out of 5 nets routed
Pi Motion Sensor.fzz (13.4 KB) Old_Grey - thanks I've looked but not found! vanepp, thank you - file uploaded! Any further assistance to track down the problem would be appreciated.
View Article4 out of 5 nets routed
Looks like it's a bug in the status bar reporting. If you go to Routing/Show unrouted, it shows 0Didn't know this, but you can also click on the status bar and it highlights unrouted, which was 0. It...
View Article4 out of 5 nets routed
Old_Grey is correct, you have hit a Fritzing bug. The usual cause is making changes in more than one view, as sometimes when you do that the database gets corrupted (which appears to be where your...
View Article4 out of 5 nets routed
Gentlemen, Thank you for your insight and assistance, much appreciated. Peter, I'll have a go at replicating your sketch. Maurice.
View ArticleInstalação do fritzing
Quando vou instalar dá erro de falta de arquivo .dll ( api-ms-win-crt-runtime-|1-1-1-0.dll), acontece que já copiei esse arquivo para dentro do system do windows e dentro do fritzing e não funcionou,...
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While I'm guessing at your problem, I expect this thread may help you. Basically you need a C runtime package update from Microsoft from the dll error: Api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll Fix? What have...
View ArticleInstalação do fritzing
sim copiei o arquivo para dentro da pasta do system do windows 7, e para dentro da pasta de instalação do fritzing, não resolveu.
View ArticleInstalação do fritzing
I don't speak your language so I'm mostly guessing here (and hope you at least read english) but I gather you are running Windows 7 (as am I) and the fix listed hasn't worked. In Control...
View ArticleInstalação do fritzing
Use actual Google translate. The std one is rubbish.https://translate.google.com.au When I install it it gives an error of .dll file (api-ms-win-crt-runtime- | 1-1-1-0.dll), it happens that I already...
View ArticleInstalação do fritzing
Old_Grey: Use actual Google translate. Good call, I hadn't even thought of google. It makes his problem clear anyway, he is trying to only use the dll when he needs the entire runtime library...
View ArticleInstalação do fritzing
I was wondering if Translate mixed up copied with install, but you dll interpretation makes sense. Lets hope this translate is good No copie la DLL, instale el tiempo de ejecución.
View ArticleBlank RPi HAT PCB
Hi, I'm also looking for a blank Rapsberry Pi Hat unfortunately it looks like the problems still the same: there is no PCB shape in core library who match the RPi Hat dimension. I know there is a SVG...
View ArticleBlank RPi HAT PCB
While I expect the right answer is to import the svg via the parts editor, I rarely use the parts editor. Thus I butchered the standard rpi hat to replace that image with Steve's and made a part from...
View ArticleSearch function in the parts view does not work
After upgrading Windows 10 to the Anniversary Update the search box is now working!
View ArticleSearch function in the parts view does not work
I wonder if something got repaired, or something that was missing got added.
View ArticleSearch function in the parts view does not work
My suspicion is that it was something to do with the HOMEDRIVE environment variable previously pointing to a network drive which whilst it exists, is never actually used. I had tried overriding this...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
Hello, I'm fairly new to Arduino. I use to make breadboard layouts and circuits a few year back. Only recently I have started to do it again. I've done a few different little projects to try and get...
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