Led Driver Board 350ma pwm
Hi, I don't know how this works, but I need to get a part for my fritzing project.I'm totally new at fritzing (or electronics in general), and have looked at the tutorial for making new parts, but...
View ArticleFritzing 0.9.3b hangs and closes after a few seconds on OSX 10.7.5
Hi there, thanks for the suggestion!I have deleted both folders as suggested and after that reinstalled the app.(to be on the safe side I also downloaded the dmg from fritzing.org again and installed...
View ArticleThe compiling questions about DSP programming
Nobody in this professional course can help me?
View ArticleSuitability of DS1307 circuit to make simple long-duration silent alarm
I would like to make a silent alarm which flashes an LED from 2100 hrs every evening until I press a button to reset the alarm (which could happen at any point from 2100 to 0100 so the flashing needs...
View ArticleFritzing 0.9.3b hangs and closes after a few seconds on OSX 10.7.5
The only other thing I can suggest is check your antivirus hasn't decided that some part of the Frtizing download is a virus and isolated it (which might cause this) on Windows I'd have you check that...
View ArticleLed Driver Board 350ma pwm - ADDED DESIGN(?)
Was only allowed to put one image in each post...
View ArticleLed Driver Board 350ma pwm - ADDED DESIGN(?)
We won't know until we get the svg's or the finished part. To upload here you change the extension, like .svg to .fzpz, because the forum only takes .fzz .fzpz, etc There is a video tutorial in parts...
View ArticleLed Driver Board 350ma pwm - ADDED DESIGN(?)
Changed svg extension to fzpz 1w led driver 350ma pwm Breadboard.fzpz (18.8 KB)
View ArticleLed Driver Board 350ma pwm - ADDED DESIGN(?)
1w led driver 350ma pwm Schematic.fzpz (2.7 KB)
View ArticleLed Driver Board 350ma pwm - ADDED DESIGN(?)
The breadboard doesn't have any nodes labeled connector, good drawing though.The PCB will have to have major mods because it's just supposed to be 6 pads and outline, but in specific groups. Fritzing...
View ArticleLed Driver Board 350ma pwm - ADDED DESIGN(?)
OK, I'll try again and will upload new files after I have redone them.
View ArticleSuitability of DS1307 circuit to make simple long-duration silent alarm
In a word, no. This is a real time clock module not a cpu. It is designed to give the current time (and perhaps a periodic alarm signal) via the I2C bus to a cpu and keep the current time (via the on...
View ArticleThe compiling questions about DSP programming
I expect that is mostly because this forum is about Fritzing not dsps and you should be asking in a group that supports whatever dsp you are using. It may also be that the error messages make the...
View ArticleLed Driver Board 350ma pwm - ADDED DESIGN(?)
Looks like a good start. You probably want more detail on the pwm pins though, I assume one is likely ground and the other the active pwm signal and it would be good for the schematic to show which is...
View ArticleDoes the software support 8bit CPU architecture?
Does this software simulate various CPU architectures like the zilog z80 or the Intel 8080 etc? If not, this would be a nice addition to see in the future.
View ArticleZilog Z80 A CPU
By and large I agree nice job. One improvement would be to either copy the breadboard svg file in to the icon svg file (so the icon will be 40pin as well) or in parts editor hit the file->reuse...
View ArticleDoes the software support 8bit CPU architecture?
Depends what you by simulate, as the Z80 part just posted indicates it will certainly (as long as someone makes the parts) support 8 bit CPUs (or any other chip pretty much). If you mean run software...
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