Problem in creating 3.5mm audio jack (SMD)
Sorry I just saw your post. I followed your advise to delete copper0. Thanks to you, I managed to create the jack. Take a look. Jack.fzpz (5.7 KB)
View ArticleFC-51 Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Proximity Sensors Module
KingDarBoja: I know most Arduino stuff changes a lot but this part is currently missing from fritzing-parts repository and could be great if it looked like a real one (just minor fixes away). After...
View ArticleProblem in creating 3.5mm audio jack (SMD)
If you want an SMD part that can be used on either side of the board you need to have copper1 inside a group called copper0 otherwise the pads will get mirrored when used on the wrong side.
View ArticleStandardization of Fritzing part design
Hello @all, it has been a long time i wasn’t around in the forum. the discussions are very known about the parts making procedure and it is time to make it much more straight forward. therefore we...
View ArticleFritzing as web application
hello, this is a big topic and i am a late on the reply. fritzing should be, indeed, a web-application. therefore we start to build a static fritzing-parts-api from the fritzing-parts-repository you...
View ArticleFritzing2Web - looking for contributors
Fritzing is a great tool and in the last time it lags of development. that is mainly because of the “complicated” codebase written in Qt. Now we already started to build an api-client for the fritzing...
View ArticleFritzing2Web - looking for contributors
as next we will make public a fzp parser package. if someone is interested in a preview, send us your github username and we will add you to the repo
View ArticleNeed training on fritzing via team viewer, $40/hr PayPal
Try this, " " , it is in Portuguese but is very intuitive … there are many lessons related this topic … enjoy
View ArticleFritzing2Web - looking for contributors
Is the idea to make Fritzing a cloud based software requiring an internet connection and someone to maintain a fast expensive server just to let us use a piece of software that currently runs on our...
View ArticleWire connectors to PCB
Hi there friends I’ve looked everywhere and i can’t find a particular connector which i m sure its available somewhere since it’s so common and basic...
View ArticleWire connectors to PCB
In Fritzing use the search and search for “male header” or “jst” and you will find a few variations.
View ArticleFritzing2Web - looking for contributors
the idea: fritzing have to live on. that’s the main goal. as it is for now there is no much more development and a list of more than 1000 bugs where nobody knows where to start … i could continue with...
View ArticleProblem in creating 3.5mm audio jack (SMD)
sublimeartistry: If you want an SMD part that can be used on either side of the board you need to have copper1 inside a group called copper0 otherwise the pads will get mirrored when used on the wrong...
View ArticleProblem in creating 3.5mm audio jack (SMD)
It only became truly apparent in a thread about custom copper logos where I had helped make a part with copper1 only and when used on the back the words were backwards. Custom copper logo not...
View ArticleFritzing2Web - looking for contributors
Thank you for the explanation. I agree that Fritzing should continue and since your goal would be to have it run both locally and on a server I feel it to be a good goal. I run a local server in my...
View ArticleFritzing2Web - looking for contributors
I’m certainly interested in Fritzing and development and being retired, I have time. However I know almost nothing about javascript or react (nor CSS for that matter) but I can probably learn. From...
View ArticleProblem in creating 3.5mm audio jack (SMD)
Your part is mostly OK, except that nonconn1 is an ellipse rather than a circle (usually caused by removing a translate, but there may be other reasons as well). If you export the pcb as gerbers...
View ArticleProblem in creating 3.5mm audio jack (SMD)
Unless I’m missing something (which as you know is always possible ), I think the two layer approach is only needed for parts with copper logos on both sides. This is a png from gerbv with the...
View ArticleProblem in creating 3.5mm audio jack (SMD)
vanepp: Unless I’m missing something (which as you know is always possible ), I think the two layer approach is only needed for parts with copper logos on both sides. This is a png from gerbv with the...
View ArticleFC-51 Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Proximity Sensors Module
Yes, of course it is going to be on github repository. I already got approved the next fritzing parts which you have been helping me along with vanepp: Seeedstudio LinkIt One Board XL4016 DC-DC...
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