Eagle2Fritzing on Windows
KingDarBoja: I still don’t get it, you mean something with many pins like this Grove Mega Shield or something like this DIY BARE MINIMUM ARDUINO MEGA 2560? Both of them have eagle files (.brd) Can’t...
View ArticleDf robot ph sensor
Done: PH_meter.fzpz (40.9 KB) This part just had a missing potenciometer (that can be obtained from my DC-DC converter part) but the other thing, I have no idea what to put there.
View Articlerotary encoder parts
Thank you for the great info. I dug up a document titled “Parts Bible” that goes through the items in the xml and I now understand the tasks at hand. Perhaps the only thing that wasn’t clear is...
View ArticleDf robot ph sensor
The big part on the left is a BNC jack. I haven’t opened the part but the reason I have had fill not work is because the area is made up of 2 paths. One on the outside of the line and one along the...
View ArticleRFID RC522 module part for 13.56 Mhz Card
I am a new user of fritzing and I haven’t found a part for RFID RC522 so I took me a whole day to make this part which includes downloading INKSCAPE, learning it, Learning How to make custom parts in...
View Articlerotary encoder parts
opera_night: I dug up a document titled “Parts Bible” that goes through the items in the xml and I now understand the tasks at hand. Do you have a url for that or is that the part format document on...
View ArticleDf robot ph sensor
KingDarBoja: Done: PH_meter.fzpz (40.9 KB) This part just had a missing potenciometer (that can be obtained from my DC-DC converter part) but the other thing, I have no idea what to put there. That...
View ArticleRFID RC522 module part for 13.56 Mhz Card
First a google search for “fritzing part rfid rc522”, which is where I always start when considering making a part, turns up an existing part which looks similar to yours: GitHub miguelbalboa/rfid...
View ArticleDf robot ph sensor
vanepp: In this case the “board” is made up of 4 line paths (in a rectangle) and 4 arcs (the curved corner pieces), I expect @KingDarBoja did something similar to what you suggested to get them in to...
View ArticleDf robot ph sensor
Old_Grey: I used node select and shift clicked each one by one, and then used Path Combine and it became 1 element in the XML dialogue. After that I couldn’t work out how to fill it and just got arcs...
View Articlerotary encoder parts
I had a file titled PartsBible but don’t remember/can’t find URL, However I did find (on Fritzing site) a file-link to the same content (perhaps same link with updated info: Link to file The info in...
View ArticleDf robot ph sensor
vanepp: I’ll try that out and see if I can master it. Once you have the path, the fill is easy, just select the path and then click on the color bar at the bottom of the screen for the color you want...
View ArticleRFID RC522 module part for 13.56 Mhz Card
After looking into this part, I must say it is pretty good being your first Fritzing part Can be improved if you can add the pin header connector, the oscillator and smd resistor / capacitor / diode...
View ArticleDf robot ph sensor
Old_Grey: I used node select and shift clicked each one by one, and then used Path Combine and it became 1 element in the XML dialogue. After that I couldn’t work out how to fill it and just got arcs...
View ArticleEagle2Fritzing on Windows
Yeah, it can do it as long as you have a proper board file (*.brd) with all the required layer stuff. Due to my lack of skill on this field, I couldn’t find a single component file as the one you...
View ArticleRFID RC522 module part for 13.56 Mhz Card
Hi! I found this part in my search too but I was not happy with the fact that I wasn’t labelled so that gave me a reason to try my own part and I am happy that I have learnt a lot in a bit of time....
View ArticleRFID RC522 module part for 13.56 Mhz Card
Totally agree that it can be improved. I will try to add the pin header connector and the oscillator. thanks
View ArticleEagle2Fritzing on Windows
Gee, that Eagle was so hard just to put a 74ALS634JD on a PCB I gave up. From now on if I see a Eagle2FZ part in FZ I’m going to throw it in the bin because I don’t need to waste time deleting nodes...
View ArticleMini-360 DC-DC Buck converter
Hi Unfortunately most of these parts are not 17x11 but 22x11mm. Do you think you can update your part ? Many thanks. Guillaume.
View ArticleEagle2Fritzing on Windows
Old_Grey: Gee, that Eagle was so hard just to put a 74ALS634JD on a PCB I gave up. I told you it was hard but I’m sure this updated code isn’t stacking nodes. Anyway, as I said before, I will use the...
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