Fritzing.0.9.3b.64.pc just hangs on Windows 10
It is interesting to look at the Fritzing process using Process Monitor because it is going round just about every folder in my computer (why?) trying to create git.exe and I think this is why it...
View ArticleFritzing.0.9.3b.64.pc just hangs on Windows 10
Since you forced it closed the database now needs to be deleted manually and then you can restart and be patient while it downloads and installs parts updates. It takes a long time and gives no...
View ArticleFritzing.0.9.3b.64.pc just hangs on Windows 10
Sorry, but clearly that’s not what is wrong. Why is Fritzing.exe iterating around every folder on my PC looking for git.exe ?
View ArticleFritzing.0.9.3b.64.pc just hangs on Windows 10
Maybe this will help others. I installed Git from then I copied git.exe from C:\Program Files\Git\bin to c:\windows\ and I saw (in Procmon) that Fritzing stopped...
View ArticleXenon Timing Light
Well the HV transformers turned up - yay -, but it looks like they are wound for a different HV circuit - boo -. Oh well.
View ArticlePHPT61002NYCX part
Does anyone have PHPT61002NYCX part? Thanks
View ArticleWeird connection - Help into my final project
Hi, i just make a small circuit which detects electromagnetic fields using mosfet and BJT transistors, I just bought the pieces and i am waiting for them to start testing at the real life, so...
View ArticleWeird connection - Help into my final project
That dotted line through R6 is a ratsnest, ie you forced a connection in another view. If you look at R6 in your SCH the ends are numbered, so probably you didn’t know that and simply connected any...
View ArticleWeird connection - Help into my final project
Thanks for the help Old_Grey, i saw the problem when i posted this thread after 20 minutes, my R6 was supposed to be connected into the potentiometer, i checked it, and i was putting the jumper out of...
View ArticleFritzing.0.9.3b.64.pc just hangs on Windows 10
i’m not that familiar with the fritzing use of git but generally programs need to be kept in the install directory in order to work as designed. since you moved git if fritzing was to call git to...
View ArticleApoyo en español
Alguien me podría ayudar, ya descargué Fritzing 3 veces, dos 64 bits y una de 32 bits, y en todas me aparece lo mismo; cuando ejecuto la aplicación: abre, pero nada más abrir me aparece que el...
View ArticleApoyo en español
probaste las versiones más viejas? o
View ArticleCheap digital compass module using BMC5883L
Like Boladge digital compass module. スクリーンショット 2018-05-24 16.35.16.png2760x4000 586 KB Boladge HMC5883L Compass Module.fzpz (8.4 KB) Source Files: GitHub...
View ArticleApoyo en español
You probably corrupted the install by closing it before it updated the parts bins - there is no message that tells you it’s updating -. Search the forum for a solution. Probablemente corrompió la...
View ArticleNon consecutive Connector ID when adding more connectors in New Parts Editor
Steps I took that resulted in the problem: Open up any part (e.g. generic female header) in New Parts Editor and click on Connectors tab. You will see in top edit box number of connectors = 2. Below...
View ArticleCheap digital compass module using BMC5883L
Do you have a picture or link to the real part? Since the ones that I found on google are slighty different from yours.
View ArticleNon consecutive Connector ID when adding more connectors in New Parts Editor
gerrikoio: I have spent weeks creating a part which has more than 64 connectors. It happens always when I am making a new part with tons of connectors. The best quick-fix so far: Set number of...
View ArticleNon consecutive Connector ID when adding more connectors in New Parts Editor
Yes, that is one way but then the preferred standard for parts is to have connector ID’s starting at 0 and this method it starts at 1. I eventually resolved by opening up the fzp file and manually...
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