Bifilar Toroidal Core
Much better, there is still a slighty missaligment at the middle connector on the y-axis but it is ok.
View ArticleLED Timing Light
If anyone is still interested. I checked the accuracy and they all look good, even Peter’s.
View ArticleCypress PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer Board
Hi, Yes, took about the same time. No, I wouldn’t know how to push parts in the github repository. Other Cypress boards? I have one or two old PSoC 4 BLE ones done a couple of years ago.
View ArticlePart request to apa102-2020
hello, its been sometime since the part was drawn, just here to show that the footprint of 2020 is tested the apa102-2020 is from TW, those are not friendly to hand solder, or impossible? I met more...
View ArticleCypress PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer Board
Well do you have in mind making other Cypress Board in order to add them to fritzing parts repository (I would do it) for anyone interesed on it. Of course, would be good if those board are available...
View Article3-Axis Compass GY-271 QMC5883L
Hi, thanks KingDarBoja, Renamed this topic title and I that it is mounted a different chip. but one thing I can’t found… what is part checker… any applications or @vanepp 's reply or …
View ArticleAny one know SMT machine?
Hi,everyone,I want to be engaged in this line about SMT machine,SMT cable.valve,sensor,nozzle and other parts about the machine,I want to know how the business line look like?
View ArticleAny one know SMT machine?
Best way to learn about SMT pick and place machines is to build one yourself. See
View ArticleRectangle Load Cell/Weighting Sensor
Hi! thanks a lot for the part! Is there a reason that you chose the order of the wire-colors that way? Aren’t the sensors usually connected in this order: red, black, green, white? (e+,e-,a-,a+)
View ArticleRectangle Load Cell/Weighting Sensor
For no particular reason, other than that my physical load cell had the wires come out in that order. I have only one, so that could easily have been an unusual configuration.
View ArticleCreating parts with movable schematic elements
V23079 - 2 Coil 5V Latching Relay (without breadboard view or icons) V23079 - @ RS Latching Relay.fzpz (6.1 KB)
View ArticleMy custom part causing Fritzing to crash on PCB check
I created this custom part which uses 1.27mm pitch connectors. I customized the solder pads. Anyhow, I have done something wrong as it crashes fritzing when doing a PCB rules check, auto routing and...
View ArticleMy custom part causing Fritzing to crash on PCB check
I am sure this has been brought up many times in the past but I just was not sure how to search for the answer as to what is allowed. Of course, unusual footprints should not crash the software....
View ArticleMy custom part causing Fritzing to crash on PCB check
How does it crash Fritzing? Does Fritzing close on its own or does it become unresponsive?
View ArticleMy custom part causing Fritzing to crash on PCB check
I like big oblong contact pads and have made several parts with them. I started by understanding how the part called ‘Header1’ was constructed (used it to create a new part and hacked it using...
View ArticleHow to make PCB Arduino Uno Shape
I have made a circuit board intended for use on an Arduino UNO. The template for the PCB is square, is there an Arduino UNO PCB template to use that has the same shape as all the other Uno shields and...
View ArticleHow to make PCB Arduino Uno Shape
There are UNO’s in the Parts - you can search for them (they are boards with stuff on them). I made my own UNO PCB - I did not include holes as I don’t often use the standard UNO holes. When holes are...
View ArticleHow to make PCB Arduino Uno Shape
In PCB view click on the gray PCB that Fritzing starts with and then in the inspector where it says “Rectangle” you can change it to “Arduino Shield”. You do NOT need to make a custom PCB like...
View ArticleMy custom part causing Fritzing to crash on PCB check
I attached the part so you can test / see for yourself. Of course if it does not crash your fritzing then I would be interested to know that.
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