Unable to open Fritzing files
While I'm a Windows user rather than Mac, from the error message it appears the fzz (which is a renamed .zip file) is either missing or corrupted. Things to try: Check permissions and owner ship of...
View ArticleFind existing schematics for import
You appear to be mostly in luck. The Fritzing parts search finds a triac, a optoisolated triac (not the same part as the one referenced though) a solid state relay and the led display. You would need...
View ArticleError when running software
I am new to Fritzing and need some help.When I run the software I get an error message very time I first start it.I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times.I have the latest Mac version. Screen...
View ArticleDoes Anybody as ever created a 4 Channels L298 H Bridge?
Hi,Does Anybody as ever created or used a 4 Channels L298 H Bridge ?And a user guide eventualy ? See image below : Thanks a lot for your Answers, and Happy 2017 ! Regards,Stephane.
View ArticleUnable to open Fritzing files
Terminal returned the following:ls: /Applications/Fritzing/JB: No such file or directoryls: Fritzing: No such file or directoryls: projects: No such file or directory The file "Bendo Box v5 5cm.fzz"...
View ArticleError when running software
With the warning that I'm on Windows, not a Mac you might try deleting or (safer) renaming the directorys: ~/.config/Fritzing and/Users/username/Documents/Fritzing/parts (I assume username in the...
View ArticleUnable to open Fritzing files
Sorry, my bad, forgot the quotes. Try ls -l "/Applications/Fritzing/JB Fritzing projects" as well do an ls -l ./ (which will display your current directory and give us your userid and group...
View ArticleDoes Anybody as ever created a 4 Channels L298 H Bridge?
It looks to be this one (which has as much documentation as you are likely to get on the web page under description, more than most boards like this from Ebay ):...
View ArticleA couple ideas for the PCB editor interface
I have managed to use Fritzing now to create a circuit board that is very basic. I was able to use the 'bottom mirror' PDF output to etch a board. Just a simple board with 12 LEDs on it and some...
View ArticleA couple ideas for the PCB editor interface
1 - Yeah2 - This has been a problem from day one, so there are work-arounds. Try zoom out select, try zoom in select. Select from the bottom, Select in different view and move with Inspector x,y until...
View ArticleParts Raspberry Pi Model A+ not found
The current version of Fritzing has most versions of the Pi in the 'Core parts' (under 'Computer').AFAICT only the A+ is missing. When will it be included? I need to use this part.
View ArticleI want to include some latching DTDP relays... but oh dear
HiThank you for all of the replies and thanks Vanepp for the relay fzpz files, they really helped. I have been experimenting with Fritzing and am making progress. I have found that unless I have a...
View ArticleI want to include some latching DTDP relays... but oh dear
Sure post your sketch and we will have a look. Off the top you should run DRC (design rule check under routing in pcb view) and likely use a gerber viewer such as gerbv to check the actual gerber...
View ArticleUnable to open Fritzing files
My bad also...I misread the file size. There was an adjacent file that was 22kb. The file "Bendo Box v5 5cm.fzz" is only 22 bytes. I fear it is gone forever. Must establish a backup for this laptop....
View ArticleUnable to open Fritzing files
Yes 22 bytes is a little small. Is it possible you ran out of disk space at some point? That is the usual reason for truncated files and error reporting is spotty about whether the truncation gets...
View ArticleI want to include some latching DTDP relays... but oh dear
Here is the file (I hope). I have run DRC it looks good. Of course that is once we ignore the obvious issue that I have routed trace over some of the unused pads under the relays. The pads are left...
View ArticleError importing SVGs from illustrator
I don't get it. I have followed tutorials to the point, still when I try to import my SVG:s in the Parts Editor all I get are error messages. <img...
View ArticleError importing SVGs from illustrator
Change the extension on the svg to .fzz and upload it here.
View ArticleLots of schematic generic parts in dwg format
Hi, I have about 100 parts from the aeroelectric.com website in DWG format that would be great to get into Fritzing. Some are already in there, but many are not. These are parts we use for...
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