How to get 16 pin DS3221 IC only
There doesn't seem to be such a part in Fritzing, but it should be easy to make one starting with a 16 pin generic IC and changing the pin labels.
View ArticleHow do i add an N-Ch Mosfet IRF540 to the components listed in Fritzing?...
There is a P-Channel Mosfet in the inspector list
View ArticleHow do i add an N-Ch Mosfet IRF540 to the components listed in Fritzing?...
Do a search in the search bin.
View ArticleHLK-PM01 AC-DC 220V to 5V
Thank you all, of course for your work. However, the dimensions for PCB look not correct. Did anybody succeed with this layout? Thanks
View ArticleFritzing custom part for Teensy 3.6
I've created a Teensy 3.6 custom part for Fritzing... Teensy 3.6 (Basic).fzpz (72.8 KB)
View ArticleFritzing custom part for Teensy 3.6
Holly carp, that must have been a bit of work. Sometimes people use the PCB footprint to mount on custom boards, and there is a few tweaks you could do. 1 Could use a silkscreen outline in PCB. Silk...
View ArticleFritzing custom part for Teensy 3.6
Nice job... Teensys have always been one of my favorite boards. In your Schematic View .svg, connector25terminal through connector46terminal are missing, resulting in your wires snapping to the middle...
View ArticleLooking to pay someone to create a large part
Hi everyone, I am an electronics teacher and have developed an 'education board' for use in my classes. It is a 200mm x 200mm circuit board which contains: An Arduino Uno 4-Digit seven segment display...
View ArticleHLK-PM01 AC-DC 220V to 5V
I thought this sounded familiar try the one in here someone cut a board and discovered the mounting holes are too small and I fixed it for him. Don't know if it worked or not though. Wrong HLK-PM1...
View ArticleLooking to pay someone to create a large part
You could get a lot of the breadboard pics from the bins and paste then on a big drawing, but it still looks like too much for me. Fritzing has a part creation service....
View ArticleHLK-PM01 AC-DC 220V to 5V
vanepp: thought this sounded familiar try the one in here someone cut a board and discovered the mounting holes are too small and I fixed it for him. Don't know if it worked or not though. Hi ! I've...
View ArticleLooking to pay someone to create a large part
Thanks very much Old_Grey, I understand it is a big job, but I appreciate the advice nontheless
View ArticleHLK-PM01 AC-DC 220V to 5V
When you print a pdf of the new part the holes aren't correct? If so in what way are they incorrect? The new part looks correct to me as a gerber in gerbv. The hole is .035 (which is I believe what...
View ArticleNew parts editor not available
Sorry for late reply, I wanted to upload file but is 3.9MB , so forum dont let me upload it.Is there any other place where I could upload thing?I want svg output but some parts are not appearing in...
View ArticleHLK-PM01 AC-DC 220V to 5V
vanepp: When you print a pdf of the new part the holes aren't correct? No no no !!! With the new part, wholes are correct !!! The wholes whas too small with the part in fritzing !
View ArticleLooking to pay someone to create a large part
It looks to me as if your first problem is going to be the breadboard. The Fritzing breadboard appears to be a compiled in part (i.e. I can't see how to export it as a fzpz file as parts editor is...
View ArticleNew parts editor not available
I was suggesting that you upload the Fritzing sketch file (.fzz) which shouldn't be that large (I suspect you are trying to upload the created svg output which isn't useful). We need to be able to...
View ArticleDoes Anybody as ever created a 4 Channels L298 H Bridge?
Thanks a lot, I managed to use it and it works mostly like the Dual H bridge L298N.Is there anyway to find a ready made .fzpz of the 4 motors board instead of redrawing everything ? I could aslo use 2...
View ArticleNew parts editor not available
Hmm, thats some file. OK, since I don't know where you could upload that if the forum won't take it lets try something different. Can you upload the fzpz file for one of the parts that won't export to...
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