You currently have two sensors, 1 being the LDR which would be fine running off 3.3v and your Humidity sensor which is also fine to run off 3.3v so unless you know you must have a 5v source I think you would be safe with only the 3.3v regulator. A lot of 5v stuff runs off 3.3v which also keeps the signal at 3.3v for the mcu (esp8266’s are 5v tolerant so not a big worry but others like teensy are not).
If you are really brave you can solder to the pads along the edge of the actual esp8266 chip but in all reality it is not worth it. I would recommend an ESP-12(any variant) but then you have to be comfortable soldering the SMD pads which are fairly close together.
Just more pins and the 1 analog input.
If you want to have lots of analog inputs you could look at an ESP32-wroom as it can use almost any pin as an analog input, pwm output etc. But the pads on the ESP32-wroom are even closer together and very hard to solder even with experience.
Your last choice would be to use more hardware. One possible way would be to use something like an Arduino Mini to read all the sensors and then send the data via the esp-01.
Personally I would use the ESP12.