We need to deploy Fritzing to the entire school via SCCM.
Has anyone done this?
Are there any issues?
We all so use Applocker in GPO.
This would be a valuable tool for the students.
We need to deploy Fritzing to the entire school via SCCM.
Has anyone done this?
Are there any issues?
We all so use Applocker in GPO.
This would be a valuable tool for the students.
I’m not familiar with SCCM nor Applocker, but there is currently a problem with parts updating on Windows (and I’m guessing you are using Windows). That means the automatic parts updating isn’t currently working so to do a parts update you need to manually clone the parts repository from github in to the Fritizing installation directory. That should be to bad as long as you can update one central image and then distribute it to all your machine.
I use the 0.9.3 version of Fritzing on my pc and the same on a new one.
I’m trying to modify a recent project created on the first pc, on the second one but when I open it, fritzing gives me this error
How can I solve it? I need that simple parts…
Export the part from the first computer using Fritzings parts menu and then import the part to the second computer using th parts menu again.
Parts update on Windows is currently broken because of an outdated git2lib. There are several fixes: move the folder from your current machine to the new one, then update the parts database via Part->Regenerate parts database (which will update the database then exit Fritzing, on the restart the new database will be in use). Alternately you can clone the fritzing-parts repository from github in to fritzing-parts and regenerate the parts database.
In a third pc I have the same problem but today Fritzing asking me to check new parts, cleaning modified files and update new parts. In this way it works.
In my second pc proceding only with the regeneration doesn’t work. I must check for updates, cleaning, update and Now it works!
Ah, obviously you are on Linux or a Mac, so parts update will work. Only Windows appears to have the problem. Good that you got it fixed in any case.
I’m on windows, but good for me that it works anyway!
Thanks for tip. I updated the parts but I am now getting this.
you likely need to rebuild the parts database: select breadboard view (it is greyed out in the welcome window) then part->regenerate parts database. This will churn for a while and then shutdown. When you restart Fritzing the problems should clear. If they don’t the next thing to try is clearing the user folders (save a copy if you have sketches though):
kill corrupt files:
There are two user directories (with your parts and the parts database) which don’t get touched during an install (to not affect your sketchs during upgrades). On Windows they are in
c:\users\username\AppData\Fritzing\roaming\Fritzing (which is a hidden directory so you need to enable hidden directories in explorer) and
c:\Users\username\My Documents\Fritzing (where username is your windows id)
If you don’t have any parts or sketches you want to keep you can just delete those two directories and Fritzing will receate them, or you can move them aside by renaming them if you wan to keep something in them.
Which Windows version, Wn7 or Win10? None of my Win7 boxes work, the libgit2 in the distribution file only supports tls1.1 which github no longer allows and I can only get it to work on a compiled from source dev version (and that dll doesn’t work when substituted for the libgit2.dll in the distribution. I have been assuming updates are broken til we can get a new source build done (which I at least am haveing Qt problems with).
Mine are Windows 10.
Thanks so much. A couple of things.
This is such a valuable tool for the Education Sector and Microsoft Education would be more than happy to have this in the Education Store.
Yes I know. It has been reported to the maintainer and hopefully it will get fixed soon.
The unfortunate truth is that Fritzing is dying. It started as a funded research project which is how it got this far. When the grants ran out it went open source but the support hasn’t been there to keep it living and the developers have (presumably) moved on to other funded projects. There is a project to move it to javascript in its early stages but development on the current implementation of Fritzing has pretty much died (the javascript project is seen as the only way forward). I’m poking at bug fixing, but its a large, largely poorly documented project and even getting a development environment running has been difficult.
Interesting, I’ll have to boot a Win10 box and try that. I’d expect the tls1.1 version to break either version of Windows, but perhaps 10 finds some alternative transport that Win7 doesn’t have.
I worked and saved occasionally. All of a sudden I get warning messages when I save. I cannot tell what I exactly did but I edited some of the texts on the components. Nothing really advanced actually and the PCB I was working with wasn’t anything fancy, a Mega shield with connectors etc. I close the file and try to open it again and receive:
Unable to open ‘/Users/Staffan/Documents/Fritzing/Gunde Mega Shield.fzz’: zip.open(): %d
Well, The program to continue work I guess. A whole evenings work is destroyed since I even can’t go back in time and open to the point where I was when I encountered the problem. (and what the problem was I really cannot tell)
Fritzing 0.9.3 Mac Os 10.13.6
Please also attach any files that help explaining this problem
Gunde Mega Shield.fzz (22 Bytes)
This is a known bug but unfortunately Fritzing development has stopped and we can not get a hold of anyone that can make a new release even if we do patch it. It has happend to me and I have lost weeks worth of work to it. My solution is to make a back up of the fzz files at least daily while i’m working on a project.
The only way of saving a project when this happens is to NOT close Fritzing and then select everything in a single view and press ctrl c to copy everything and then paste it all in a new sketch which you will be able to save.
I’v had FZ crash and shutdown, losing everything to the last save, but never corrupted files.
I tried the unzip trick to see if there is anything inside, but it’s just an empty folder.
I removed Windows & changed my Computer to run on the Linux operating system.
I have not been able to re-install Fritzing on the Linux Operating System.
Can someone please assist me?
There is no installation needed. You just download the binaries and run the file named Fritzing . If you are on a brand new Linux release then there could be other issues making it not run and in that case you should try running that same fritzing file from the command line and see if there are any warnings.