Yes, there are many PCB manufacturers in China. You need to design the PCB first and then send it to the PCB manufacturer.
Custom PCB manufacturers for mouse?
ALL PCB pcb fabricating company
If the temperature of the soldering iron is too high and the components are frequently replaced, the traces fall off.
4017IC Traces on bottom not working
I Seem to have a problem in Fritzing with My 4017 IC When I place the 4017 Ic On the Design And run traces to the IC . The program will not allow me to Place the trace on the bottom ,Does anyone know why the program is acting this way ? Note :
( This Only affects the traces that are directly connected to the 4017 All the other part work as they should )
4017IC Traces on bottom not working
Run the trace and select it, and in Inspector select bottom.
4017IC Traces on bottom not working
Upload the fzz file for your sketch (7th button from the left). It is possible that the part you used for the 4017 is incorrect and has only one layer. The part will be included in the temp bin of the sketch and one of us will have a look.
4017IC Traces on bottom not working
4017IC Traces on bottom not working
You will have to upload the ,fzz here.
Find the .fzz file, and select the 7th button in reply and browse to the file and select it.
4017IC Traces on bottom not working
I suspect the problem here is the 4017 part you used is incorrect and doesn’t have the bottom layer. To verify that I need to look at the fzpz file for the part, (i.e. it thinks it is an SMD part with only one layer). To check that I need either the fzpz file for the part or the fzz file of your sketch which will contain the fzpz file of the 4017 part. Its hard to tell what is going on from just screen shots.
4017IC Traces on bottom not working
I couldn’t find a 4017, but the SMD idea with only a top layer makes sense.
4017IC Traces on bottom not working
There are several in a search, I just don’t know which one he used.
4017IC Traces on bottom not working
I’m getting zero with 4017, maybe because Win update is broken.
EDIT - It must be a faulty THT part with no bottom layer - my 1st mistake when I made my 1st part years ago -.
4017IC Traces on bottom not working
There doesn’t look to be one in core, I did a google search which
finds several.
as well I find that I made one a while back. The 4017 part in here
works correctly on both sides of the board for me.
4017IC Traces on bottom not working
Never mind Guys I think it was a program glitch I uninstalled Fritz
ing And then Reinstalled it and everything is work properly now …
Downloading & installing Fritzing on Ubuntu Linux problem
It work perfectly on UBUNTU18.04
Special TYPE of SPST (part)
Hi im looking for a specific type of SPST to draw circuits for my pupils.
We are using ONLY that type of switch and for SOME of them its too difficult to build from sketches with differen types of switches. (Why are there 3 connectors? Mine is not green …)
Abb.224 should use a switch looking like the one in Abb. 223.
Special TYPE of SPST (part)
See my post with switches at
There’s a (Blue colored) SPST exactly as you want - I use them all the time for power. The graphic is homemade but, that’s only a cartoon for the breadboard.
Special TYPE of SPST (part)
To my surprise you are correct, there doesn’t seem to be a real breadboard toggle switch anywhere, so I whacked one together (it isn’t the best in the world but it gets the idea across I think) and created a part using it:
and the part:
Toggle Switch spst.fzpz (7.8 KB)
Special TYPE of SPST (part)
Special TYPE of SPST (part)
I hope I’m not rude…
But… can you tinker this one too?
Special TYPE of SPST (part)
Not at all, parts creation takes a long time to learn so its usually easier to get one of us to do it if you only need a part or two. For me this was only about a 15 minute job and is likely to be useful to a lot of people. The time consuming part was making the toggle breadboard image , because I’m poor at the graphic part of this
Yep that’s easy. Note I corrected an alignment error in breadboard view on the spst version above and replaced the uploaded file just now.
Toggle Switch spdt.fzpz (8.3 KB)