thank you for your instructions.
I’ve also improved my part and uploaded it to repository mentioned above if someone follows by the link. I hope the part is ok now.
Kindly regards
4N25 Optocoupler created
BME / BMP 280 sensor
thank you for your instructions.
Yes, I’ve obviously missed somethings when creating this part since it is not my routine yet.
I’ve also improved my part and uploaded it to repository mentioned above if someone follows by the link. I hope the part is ok now.
Kindly regards
BME / BMP 280 sensor
If these are your first parts you are doing very well. Part creation is a complex process and takes a while to learn, in addition it is poorly documented meaning asking here for help is pretty much the only way to learn at present. The new parts are mostly fine, but there are several problems. In this part (the bmp280) the fzp file has the schematic layerId as the standard ‘schematic’ but in the schematic svg the layerId is spelled ‘Schematic’ and thus there isn’t a layerId because it doesn’t match (case matters!). This is an error (as opposed to a warning) because it will stop your part from appearing in an export of the sketch to a pdf or other image file. There are a bunch of warning message about various things (such as scale) but they won’t affect the operation of the part. I am using the parts checker available from
(although a not yet released, later version, the github version will complain about less at the moment) to see what problems there are as well as looking at the result in Fritzing. In Fritzing we see there is a problem that the part checker didn’t catch in schematic if you load the part in to fritzing you will see the pins in schematic don’t align to the grid properly. That is likely because the page grid (at least for me on Inkscape 0.92.3) is set to px rather than in. If you reset the grid units to ‘in’ from ‘px’ file->document properties->grids and then adjust the Spacing in x/y from 0.01042 to 0.01 you will see the misalignment. An alternative is to set the tool bar to ‘in’ then check the x/y position of the various pins are all on .1 inch spacing (you need to account for the width of the lines when doing this though). As well the viewbox is slightly wrong. If you select connector1pin the y coordinate is -0.005 in. That means .005 in of the bottom of the pin will be truncated by Fritzing as being beyond the viewbox. The easy way to fix that is to Edit->select all then in document properties->page click Resize page to content to readjust the view box to match the drawing (after realigning the pins!). According to the part check script the 4n25 part is fine, no errors, only a bunch of warnings which won’t affect the operation of the part but the script, lies . It has failed to flag that ‘copper1’ is the layerId in the fzp file but in the pcb svg it is spelled ‘cooper1’ which means the 4n25 part has no top layer pads (the script should have flagged a missing layerId, I’ll have to fix that.) In addition, the pcb hole sizes (from the gerber output drill file Untitled Sketch_drill.txt are incorrect.
The top and bottom values are your parts the middle value (0.038in) is from the .1 headers I used to test the connections. You need to adjust the size of your pads to be 0.038 or a little less (because the typical board house will round up to the next highest drill size making your hole too large). The hole size (in Inkscape, the others are different I think) is pad diameter - (stroke-width * 2). At the usual scale that means pad diameter is .078in and stroke-width is 20 to give a .038 hole. You would need to scale these numbers to match the scale in your drawing.
The Pressure Stat in Washing Machine
Very low frequency. Let me think about it and get back to you!
The Pressure Stat in Washing Machine
Since this sensor is already digital, I would stay in the digital domain as it is likely to be a lot easier than anything analog. Basically you need to count the milliseconds between pulses which most any micro can do at a 10hz rate. It isn’t clear to me what your success criteria is (i.e. what you are trying to do) but a go/no go test would be to just look for a 9 to 10 hz square wave out if the unit has pressure as presumably a failed one won’t have any output.
The Pressure Stat in Washing Machine
I agree with Peter. Using the signal to gate a counter is very easy to do, then processing that digital result from there. You could do it with an Arduino.
If you really wanted an analog output (which I dont think you do, really), you would transform the digital result and drive it into a DAC. You could do that with an Arduino as well.
The Pressure Stat in Washing Machine
First of all, thanks for your attention Guys.
Yes, I also think staying in digital domain.
I let you know when I started to do that.
The Pressure Stat in Washing Machine
Depending on what you are trying to do, even a micro may be over kill. I’m thinking this is meant to be portable and possibly battery powered for a service person to use in the field and thus a go/no go test. In such a case a 555 timer configured as a retriggerable monostable may be what you need. Basically if has a green led if it sees a pulse within 70 to 90 msec (as it retriggers) and a red led if it doesn’t see a pulse in that time. That should use much less power than most of the mcus and is less sensitive to supply voltage when running on batteries. If you need to read the pressure value, one of the mcus reading a counter would be the thing (some of the wireless soc mcus are low power if you do need battery).
Doit esp32 devkit v1
I want to share a part: It is a
with 30 pins. The pins are (obvious) in two rows and the distance between the two rows is 1100 mil. The pads are oblong/rectangular - so it is able to route between pads.
I did a gerber export and let seedstudio produce testboards. The pads, the holes the routing between the pads look all ok. There might be issues with the breadboard view - I’m sorry for that, but I’m not using it. But schematic and PCB should be ok (at least as I found out so far).
DOIT Esp32 DevKit v1 (30 pins long, 11 pins width).fzpz (24.6 KB)
Generic ICs with oblong/rectangular pads?
Part uploaded to: Doit esp32 devkit v1
Doit esp32 devkit v1
This appears to have a number of problems. As you noted breadboard isn’t complete (although the graphic part is very good so it would be worth it to correct it so the part works correctly for others). The connections on PCB appear totally wrong which may be a routing issue (or may not as schematic appears to be screwed up in the same way, pin one shows as pin 2 En / Reset) in schematic. If you load it in to Fritzing and hover over a pin in any view (pcb in this case) Fritzing will display the the pin number, Top right shows as pin 1 (as expected from the silkscreen outline) but it is listed as 3.3V not EN as the pin out diagram on google shows.The next pin left shows as pin 17 ground not pin 2 VP as it should (because the order of pins in the fzp file doesn’t match either schematic or pcb views). It is preferable for schematic to have the same layout as breadboard or pcb (i.e. 2 rows of 15 pins). A further look at pcb indicates pin1 in pcb is actually bottom left as for a standard IC (but not what the silkscreen outline is showing) and from there the pin numbers look correct (so just the hover over labels are wrong). I’d probably add the usb connectors to the silkscreen to make the alignment of the board obvious. All the pcb pins have pads (which aren’t used) as well and the fzp file has terminals defined in pcb (but not in the svg) which normally isn’t done. The gerber output indicates the pcb hole size is 0.032 which may get rounded up to the correct 0.038 for .1 headers by the board house, but it would be preferable to have that in the svg. There appears to be bus problems in the fzp file the ground pins don’t exist and the other 2 are not the grounds (2 random pins appear to be bused together). If you like I can fix this up to be a more standard part or you can do it to learn more about part making as you choose.
Upgrade of Library
Had not run Fritzing for quite some while. It offered to upgrade my library, which I let it do.
I now get the following errors on startup
Unable to find the following 2 parts:
Upgrade of Library
You might try a part database rebuild
Part->Regenerate parts database
and see if that fixes it. I may get adventurous and clone the latest repo (updates on Windows7 at least are currently broken) and see if it is a problem with the parts. The IchigoJamT is new this year (but I think loaded for me before). The Zero looks to be my update from a year or so ago and it used to load fine. It the rebuild doesn’t work clearing the user directories may help:
There are two user directories (with your parts and the parts database) which don’t get touched during an install (to not affect your sketchs during upgrades). On Windows they are in
c:\users\username\AppData\Fritzing\roaming\Fritzing (which is a hidden directory so you need to enable hidden directories in explorer) and
c:\Users\username\My Documents\Fritzing (where username is your windows id)
If you don’t have any parts or sketches you want to keep you can just delete those two directories and Fritzing will receate them, or you can move them aside by renaming them if you wan to keep something in them.
Upgrade of Library
Hi I tried Part -> Regenerate Parts Library but it failed with a message " Failed to open Temporary File" I am on a Mac with Fritzing 0.9.3.
I also did a check for updates and got an error message along the lines that the parts database has been changed so cannot be automatically updated. Cannot repeat to get the full error message as the option is now grey out. In the past, I have added parts for small resistors and other things so don’t want to delete and reinstall. Will try and find time over the Christmas break to investigate further.
Upgrade of Library
Two things to try , you may want to keep a copy of the user directories which on a Mac are in
then reinstall Fritzing which will replace the parts database with the
original one and shouldn’t affect your installed parts (and if it should you have backups in the above files). Fritzing will create new copies of the user files if they are removed and will also happily accept the old ones if they are moved back in to the correct position (although if the copies are corrupt, the corruption will also return). Note that after the install Fritzing will seem to hang for a long while as it does the parts database update. Don’t decide it is hung and terminate the task, that is generally what causes database corruption, just wait until it completes. If that doesn’t work for some reason, your added parts should be in the ‘mine’ parts bin and can be exported as an fzpz file by right clicking on the part in the mine parts bin and selecting export part (which will write them to a .fzpz file). You can then safely delete both the user directories and reinstall Fritzing. Once the install is done and working, file->open->x.fzpz file will reload your installed parts again. I keep copies of all my added parts as .fzpz files outside of Fritzing just in case of a disaster. The parts database does become corrupted sometimes (usually due to an interrupted update) and one of these should fix that.
Doit esp32 devkit v1
Peter, thank you for crosschecking and your feedback.
You are absolutely right - it’s not 1100 mil. I messed it up: “11 pins width” are not more than 1000 mil. Any inaccuracy resulting in 997,9 in the Gerber comes from my nob-knowledge in Inkscape. However the pin-headers fit on my real PCB but as the presoldered pin-headers on my board are not soldered 100% perpendicular, this mismatch doesn’t have a big effect.
The hole/pad sizes come from the Sparkfun DIL 40 pin (as far as I remember). I did not change them in size. I just deleted one layer, deleted 10 pads/pins and renamed them. I had lot of problems to pick up the right graphics in PCB view for the connectors so it ended up, that the connectors are the rectangles and not the circles. I haven’t found any guideline that this is not allowed and it works (at least for me).
The connected pins are GND - therefore I decided to connected them internally (Pin 14 and Pin 17) in PCB view. In my opinion this should be ok.
Your indicated “It is preferable for schematic to have the same layout as breadboard” … there are a lot of modules where 5V/3.3V/VIN and GND are on the top/bottom of the schematic view. I liked that idea, therefore I did the same. I used the ESP32S-HiLetgo schematic SVG as starting point.
I don’t know why the “mouse over - in bracket numbering” doesn’t fit to anything else, but should I care? If I make a drawing in schematic view I connect connectors based on their naming (VIN, GPIO13…) and I do routing in PCB according to wiring, I never used the “in bracket numbering” for named parts where I have the pin names in clear text available.
The “overlapping” pads vs. silkscreen outline: I found the measurement of 28,3 x 51,5mm at the seller and started painting the PCB before the part arrived.
The “hole indicators” on the silkscreen are a good idea, i consider that for my next module (if I’ll ever make one). Currently I didn’t want holes as I needed a very small footprint part.
I can do a caliper measurement earliest during Christmas days.
P.S.: is there any up to date “Tutorial” / Guideline / Style-guide how to design parts? I just see a lot of “hints” in the forum but no actual description.
Doit esp32 devkit v1
Ah, so the spacing should actually be 1 inch rather than 1.1?
yes 0.998 to 1.0 isn’t going to matter, 0.998 to 1.1 would be a bigger issue.
There aren’t many guidelines and “it works for me” is as good a criteria as any :-), I (and some other people) find a schematic that doesn’t match the bb / pcb views annoying (the Raspberry PIs are one such). Neither is right or wrong as both will work, it is just personal preference.
I’ll have to look again, but there are two buses, one with non existent pins (which won’t do anything) and the other I think connects two pins that are not ground, but I may have read it wrong.
That would be useful. as would height / width of the actual board (I couldn’t even find measurements on any of the sites selling that board that I found).
Unfortunately web site maintance along with development has pretty much died. Signup to the forums has been dead for months for instance, so we aren’t getting any new folks in here. I’m trying to get to the point of getting development at least possible, but it looks like interest in Fritzing has pretty much died. I’ll fix up your part a bit (make breadboard work, fix up the buses etc) and post what I would do to make this part. I’ll guess at the position of the mounting holes til we get measurements.
Doit esp32 devkit v1
Keep at it
Doit esp32 devkit v1
Doit esp32 devkit v1
in the fzp file for the part (which defines the buses) there is a second bus but with non existent pins (the parts checker flagged it). It is likely a leftover from what ever part you cloned. The two ground pins are indeed bused correctly, clicking on one of the grounds lights both it and the other ground pin yellow as it should. The fzp file labels are therefore wrong as they indicate non ground pins (that will be why the labels come up wrong when you hover over them as well).