OK, I'm unclear that this is correct, because google says an INA125 is a 16 pin instrumentation op amp not a mircrocontroller, but here is a part with the part numbers corrected. I unzipped the fzpz with 7zip (the instructions for doing that are in my parts creation howto in beginners), then used Inkscape to edit the breadboard svg to actually add the INA125 label (it was being defaulted from Fritzing rather than being in the svg) and moved it so it was better centered in the IC. Then I used Inkscape on the schematic svg and modified label in there to INA125 as well and saved them both. I copied breadboard svg in to icon.svg (so the new label will be on the icon as well) and then edited the icon and breadboard svgs to remove the px that Inkscape helpfully adds (which breaks Fritzing) and rezipped the part. If you are actually trying to make the op amp rather than a micro controller you would be better off to start with a 16 pin generic IC as your base and would need to use Inkscape or another svg editor to create the schematic (if you want more than a box with the pin names at least as the schematic). It looks like the parts editor doesn't in fact propagate the labels to the svgs which I thought it did (but I rarely use parts editor other than to create the description anyway). .
INA125.fzpz (6.9 KB)