Hello, I'm Mike, the original author of the part.
I've fixed the rotated pcb issues in my latest version (v3).
Will make a PR to merge that into fritzing-parts once it's ready.
Will hold off until I work my way through the comments above and fix everything I can.
Sorry for taking so long to reply!
I wasn't aware the Forum was so active and that so many people were having issues with my parts.
My github repo / issues is the best place to reach me, as I receive email notifications.
There is still this remaining issue:
How to handle parts multiple header configurations.
There has been some confusion as to why I chose the variant names "female above", "male below".
I was referring to the black plastic stackable headers.
eg. female above means Female 2.54mm stackable headers, sitting above the WeMos D1 mini's 2x8 through holes.
The board is sold with various header configurations, and for project documentation purposes, I split the part into multiple parts.
When using Fritzing as a project documentation tool, the 4x variants let you visually describe your project more accurately.
When using Fritzing to design a PCB, do the 4x variants still make sense? Your thoughts?
If you can suggest an alternate naming convention, I am happy to adjust.
These names just made sense to me at the time.
I would like to maintain backwards compatibility as much as possible, for those using existing parts.
So, if replacing the current 2x variants with 4x variants is the solution, then I'll check how the current patched parts have evolved and obsolete the matching parts.
The underside of the WeMos D1 is populated and contains several bulky parts, resistors, capacitors, usb-serial chip, micro usb socket.
I presumed if you were adding the part to a PCB, you would be soldering on stacking headers.
ie. you are designing a board similar to the Dual Base Shield, with the D1 mini sitting on top:
I have never used Fritzing for exporting to production, so there were a few issues that came up as a result.
* svg parser in Frizing is different to a web browser (eg. Chrome) - I was using combined transform translate+rotate on a group, and only the first transformation was being used.
* drill hole size - I am not sure what the correct size should be - I used a Sparkfun board as a reference.
* 4x variants naming convention - I was focusing on Breadboard view. Names may not make sense in the PCB view.
* original multiple parts squished/combined when merged into fritzing-parts.
* inches, mm, svg dpi - if only we could all just use metric/SI units...
All of my .svgs are hand crafted, with a little help from illustrator. This keeps the svg succinct and precise.
I have noticed when parts are edited in apps such as illustrator, inkscape etc, they introduce all sorts of unused crap, and sometimes alter the precise dimensions.
eg. Illustrator sometimes changes cx="3.6" to cx="3.599". Sure, 0.001 isn't going to make a huge difference. Just illustrating (pun) that they can introduce side effects.
It would be best to use a git workflow for managing changes/revisions, as opposed to uploading .fzpz files.
If everyone is collaborating in the same place, it makes it a lot easier to resolve conflicts.
Recap - latest changes are here:
But not here yet: