This is a generic TO-92 transistor that has an image of the transistor inserted vertically for the Breadboard view.
* 1. The part only has the TO-92 package. It does not have the TO-220 or SOT-23 packages that are included in the core part.
* 2. The part has NPN and PNP transistors with CBE, EBC and ECB pinouts for both types.
* 3. The part is created in the breadboard, schematic and pcb views.
* 4. The part is tested in the breadboard, schematic and pcb views.
I build my breadboard circuits with the TO-92 transistors inserted vertically, I don't bend them over flat on the board like the core Fritzing breadboard parts. This makes the Breadboard view of my circuits less WYSISYG than I'd like using the core parts.