Problems installing Fritzing
Hello! i have downloaded Fritzing but it says api-ms-win-crt-runtime-i1-1-0.dll is missing?
View ArticleWrong HLK-PM1 part
Hi everyone ! I've build a PCB with a HLK-PM1 part. I've the latest version of Fritzing : 0.9.3I can't put the HLK-PM1 on the PCB, the holes are too small :(. The distance is correct, but the holes...
View ArticleSchematic view confusion
In this screen grab you can see most of my leads connected to all of my components without issue except the red box in the lower right. That red box is a A4988 stepper driver which I got from here....
View ArticleSchematic view confusion
That file is faulty, but my FZ 9.3 has that part and it works fine.
View ArticleSchematic view confusion
Apparently, you have unassigned pins in the A4988.fzp schematic view. All the pins in the .fzp need to be assigned to pins it the schematic.svg with matching ID: pin names (connector0pin,...
View ArticleSchematic view confusion
Thanks to you both for the help. I figured it was a faulty file somewhere. Old grey, how do I find your working file?
View ArticleMotor control over internet
You have several options...two of the most popular are Blynk and Node-RED. Blynk is very easy to employ and most likely the WeMos board would be able work off of the ESP-8266 library. Blynk has UI...
View ArticleProblem with 4xxx logic gates - can you reproduce this?
Latest GIT version of parts are now in main Fritzing repo, thanks to el-j!
View ArticleSchematic view confusion
I don't think it even has a SCH view, looks like he used the BB view as a filler. Just type A4988 in the search part bin (magnifying glass)
View ArticleTrace kickout at bendpoint
Steps I took that resulted in the problem: Top 2 pins have lump when bendpoint is horizontal with pin, bottom 2 don't but the bendpoint isn't horizontal with pin. ehd8cd4hrnn4wrq6g.jpg731x676 99.8 KB...
View ArticleWrong HLK-PM1 part
Try this one. Increased the pad and hole size to .035 with Inkscape. .035 is standard IC socket size, if your pins are bigger than that the size may need to be larger yet. HLK-PM01.fzpz (10.8 KB)
View ArticleProblems installing Fritzing
Type api-ms-win-crt-runtime-i1-1-0.dll in to the forum search bar and you will find a bunch of posts with the patch needed for windows.
View ArticleWrong HLK-PM1 part
Thank's a lot !I've opened your HLK-PM01 and the hole seems to be perfect !I will make a new PCB with this ! Thank you !JC
View ArticlePine-A64, ESP8266-12E/F, Arduino ZERO, and MKR1000 - New Fritzing Parts
Great! Thanks a lot!
View ArticleHow do i install fritzing on raspberry pi 2
hi, i have a raspberry pi 2 model b and I want to install fritzing on it.
View ArticleArduino Mega 2560 (Rev3) std with silkscreen
For some reason when I put my new silkscreen Mega on the old std Mega from the Arduino bin, it wouldn't snap exactly on the old part. With a 0.025" grid it would snap 0.015" left or 0.010" right.Also...
View ArticleVertical TO-92 Transistor
This is a generic TO-92 transistor that has an image of the transistor inserted vertically for the Breadboard view.* 1. The part only has the TO-92 package. It does not have the TO-220 or SOT-23...
View ArticleBB connect fault - Bluetooth HC-06
I'm making another version of the rough one I did, and I've hacked at the BB svg for hours and I can't get it to connect with the BB. I've done all the graphical tricks I know, so I think it must be...
View ArticleHow do i install fritzing on raspberry pi 2
I don't know that there is a version to run on the arm chip. Now saying that, if you check in the repository and see if fritzing appears. It won't be the beta version 0.9.3b, but there may be an older...
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