There are two led types common anode (which I used) and common cathode (which may be what you have).
If your leds are common cathode then yes the drawing needs to be the reverse the led common to ground instead of +5 volts. Assuming cream is yellow then this would be a 470 ohm resistor which should be fine. To figure out which way the leds need to be connect the middle lead to ground and the other lead to the 470 ohm resistor with the second lead of the resistor connected to 5V if the led lights red or green then you are correct the middle lead needs to connect to ground. For the buttons one contact from each needs to go to ground (and that will be a daisy chain of however many buttons you have) but the other contact should connect only to the 10k resistor and to a separate pin on the Uno. When the button isn't pushed the uno pin will be at 5V (through the resistor), and when the button is pushed the uno pin will be at gound (and the resistor will prevent the switch from shorting the power supply which would be a bad thing ). The uno can then read the pin and decide if the button is pushed or not.
Is it possible perhaps a Daft question