Yes how you did it is correct, the one signal and power and ground wire that I added in breadboard look to be what caused the corruption (making this sketch a good test case when I finally get around to poking at the fritzing source ) and you only had 5 leds not 6 so I went back to the copy that had only the schematic done (like this new one) and made the changes there. You should keep a copy of this one to add your new leds later with nothing connected (yet) in breadboard. I added a 6th led (you can delete it if you really only want 5) and positioned the switches and removed the pull up resistors as unneeded as the software is setting the internal pullups correctly and that is 8 less things to wire which is always worthwhile
If you have a url I'll have look at the interface requirements for both of these (search isn't working for me on Adafruit's site and I couldn't identify either in a quick look). You may run out of I/O pins is your most likely issue but there are ways around that with expander boards.
Layout UNO_updated_bb_placed_new_switches_new_leds.fzz (23.4 KB)